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MS PowerPoint MCQs Set 02

MS PowerPoint MCQs Set 02

A. Ppt.exe
B. Powerpnt.exe
C. Mspoint.exe
D. None of these
ANSWER: B) Powerpnt.exe Explanation : No Explanation Given
A. Ctrl+ c
B. Ctrl+ e
C. Ctrl+ o
D. Ctrl+ u
ANSWER: B) Ctrl+ e Explanation : No Explanation Given
A. Press escape
B. Press the right arrow
C. Press the down arrow
D. Press the left arrow
ANSWER: A) Press escape Explanation : No Explanation Given
A. Getting started
B. Clip art
C. Word art
D. Search result
ANSWER: C) Word art Explanation : No Explanation Given
A. Ctrl + N
B. Ctrl + M
C. Ctrl + O
D. None of these
ANSWER: B) Ctrl + M Explanation : No Explanation Given
A. U-torrent
B. Mozilla Firefox
C. MS PowerPoint
D. Slide panel
ANSWER: C) MS PowerPoint Explanation : No Explanation Given
A. Place holder
B. Object holder
C. Auto layout
D. Text holder
ANSWER: A) Place holder Explanation : No Explanation Given
A. Home tab
B. Slide show tab
C. Review tab
D. Design tab
ANSWER: B) Slide show tab Explanation : No Explanation Given
A. Operator
B. Query
C. Expression
D. None of them
ANSWER: A) Operator Explanation : No Explanation Given
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 18
ANSWER: D) 18 Explanation : No Explanation Given

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