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1 / 50

How can you disable extended selection mode in Microsoft Word?

2 / 50

Name the Desktop database application that is part of MS Office suit.

3 / 50

Word wrap means:

4 / 50

Font effects include

5 / 50

to view headers and footers in MS Word, you must switch to____________?

6 / 50

In Microsoft Word, ____________ can be used to decide on the spacing between lines of a paragraph.

7 / 50

From where you can access Save command in Microsoft Word?

8 / 50

To go to a specific location in a document we use:

9 / 50

Microsoft was founded in________?

10 / 50

The maximum zoom level in a word documents is

11 / 50

In MS Word Gutter Margin is used for?

12 / 50

By default, your document print in _________ mode?

13 / 50

Cut and Copied data in MS Word is stored in

14 / 50

________________allows to enter new data at the current position of the cursor?

15 / 50

Which one is the spreadsheet application that comes with MS Office software group?

16 / 50

MS-Word comes under __________

17 / 50

In MS word, a master document contains _______ of subdocument?

18 / 50

When you insert a comment in a document, the comment appears in a___________?

19 / 50

Which of the following is not essential component to perform a mail merge operation?

20 / 50

switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the__________?

21 / 50

The document can be zoomed maximum up to:

22 / 50

Times New Roman is an example of a

23 / 50

Which of following is page margin?

24 / 50

Which of the following is true regarding page Orientation of a Document?

25 / 50

Which function you will use to add names and addresses of different recipient for each copy of the letter?

26 / 50

To verify that the note text is positioned correctly on the page, switch to ________ view or display the document in print preview

27 / 50

The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called __________?

28 / 50

Which of the following is not the Section Break Option in MS Word?

29 / 50

The White space around printed page is called

30 / 50

What item contains detailed information about something in the text ?

31 / 50

In a word document, page numbers can be inserted at________

32 / 50

In which tab Hyphenation options are available?

33 / 50

MS Word offers the different views of a document?

34 / 50

This displays the positioning of text, tabs, margin, indents, and other elements on the page:

35 / 50

Text-styling feature of MS word is?

36 / 50

Which feature is used to make selected sentence to All Capital Letters or All Small Letters?

37 / 50

With which view can you see how text and graphics will appear on the printed page in Word Document?

38 / 50

Which items are placed at the end of a document?

39 / 50

In MS-Word to insert Mathematically sign we use option:

40 / 50

Which file is responsible to start MS word?

41 / 50

Red Wavy line in MS word document represents ____________?

42 / 50

What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character in MS Word?

43 / 50

Clipboard can store____________ items.

44 / 50

Which file starts MS word?

45 / 50

Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes in Word Document?

46 / 50

The protect document option can be found in the _______ tab of the Ribbon?

47 / 50

Which one can be used as watermark in a word document

48 / 50

Which of the following is not paper size?

49 / 50

We can remove / hide border of a shape by selecting?

50 / 50

When you insert a comment in a document, the comment appears in a___________?

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