Wild Life MCQs Test

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Wild Life MCQs Tests

Wild Life MCQs Test

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This necessitated the enunciation of newer policy initiatives in 1980, when the wildlife were mentioned for the first time in the broader forest policies:

2 / 50

If we uncover half of the forest, covering of the earth, what crisis will be produced at most and at first?

3 / 50

The important waterfowl in Pakistan are:

4 / 50

Forest Act _______ has new been revised by the authors of Forestry Sector Master Plan:

5 / 50

The Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary is located at

6 / 50

________ are found in the Indus River water below Chashma barrage:

7 / 50

The red beds and tamarisk bushes are found along the:

8 / 50

Realizing the need for a better management policy for wildlife, a high powered Wildlife, a high powered Wildlife Enquiry Committee, constituted by the Government of Pakistan presented their (draft) report in 1970, following which all the provinces and administrative unit promulgated their own Wildlife Act within administrative units promulgated their own Wildlife Act within a span of two years _______

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Understanding population dynamics involves rates of change from ______ .

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The breeding place of Flamingo (Hansawar) in India is most likely

11 / 50

Diseases disrupt the normal physiological function of _________

12 / 50

The Forest Act was promulgated in ______ which was later adopted by the Government of Pakistan in to:

13 / 50

Which one of the following is not included under in-situ conservation?

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Realizing the need for the conservation of National Resources, the Government of Pakistan with the assistance of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) framed a National Conservation Strategy _____

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What is the major cause of diminishing wildlife number?

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The Kanha National Park is located at

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The change is brought about by such individual and population factors is:

18 / 50

Carrying capacity is a balance between _______

19 / 50

Which of the following is the matching pair of a sanctuary and its main protected wild animal?

20 / 50

Carrying capacity is not a fixed factor of the land and will change as ______ with the seasons or over long periods so the process is dynamic as the populations are:

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The Sunderbans National Park is located at

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A small number of bluebull are found along the:

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Which endangered animal is the source of the world’s finest, lightest, warmest and most expensive wool – the shahtoosh?

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The Aralam wild life sanctuary is located at

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Which group of vertebrates comprises the highest number of endangered species?

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Indian courser is the main bird species. Peafowl occurs in some areas of _______

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Wildlife generally refers to all species of:

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The concepts of population dynamics and carrying capacity lead to management of wildlife which may be defined as:

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The Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is located at

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The Ranthambore National Park and wild life sanctuary is located at

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The Kaziranga wild life sanctuary is located at

32 / 50

The linkage of humans and animals and the importance of wildlife in the past _____ years has been brought to limelight largely because we have learn that their existence is inextricably tied to our own:

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Birds of prey like:

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The Gir National Park and wild life sanctuary is located at

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Habitat destruction is the indirectly acting factor while _____ hunting are the main direct human factors affecting wildlife populations:

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Rich in fauna and flora areas:

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Medium size animals like ______ urial, Barking Deer, Goral and Chinkara and Parridges - Grey, Black, Seesee and Chakor are supported in these habitats:

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Irrigated forest plantations have emerged as a new land use practice for the last ____ years:

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Management of terrestrial resources deals primarily with ________

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The strategy 1992 to improve the situation is:

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Himalayan foothills and the Potwar region including ______ are covered with the scrub forests which have been reduced to scanty growth at most of the places:

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Action plan is:

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One of endangered species of Indian medicinal plants is that of

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Which of the following is not in Rajasthan?

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Wild life is continuously decreasing. What is the main reason of this?

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The Manas wild life sanctuary is located at

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Identify the correctly matched pair

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The Corbett National Park is located at

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The Bandipur National Park is located at

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An excellent habitat for wildlife in the form of:

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