Wild Life MCQs Test 03 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 2 Wild Life MCQs Tests Wild Life MCQs Test 03 1 / 5 One of endangered species of Indian medicinal plants is that of Ocimum garlic Nepenthes Podophyllum. No Explanation Available 2 / 5 Different kinds of wild animals have been named in the: Bible Isaiah (7:24) Solomon (2:12) All of the above No Explanation Available 3 / 5 Pakistan being located on the confluence of the western end of the Indian subcontinent and the Iranian plateau supports a varied and interesting mix of flora and fauna belonging to the: Indo-Malayan Palearctic regions Some forms originating from the Ethiopian region All of the above No Explanation Available 4 / 5 Some of the main wildlife species are: Snow leopard Black and brown bears Wolf All of the above No Explanation Available 5 / 5 Main threats to the population of wild animals in northern mountainous region include: The competition with the domestic livestock for existing natural forage Increasing human interference in the form of cultivation As trade objects e.g., furs and skins All of the above No Explanation Available Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte